5 Tips for Handling Flood Insurance Claims

5 Tips for Handling Flood Insurance Claims

If you have been affected by a flood, your business or home- and contents within- are probably severely damaged or potentially destroyed. Our experts on property claims in Orlando, FL, offer the following tips on what to do next:

Contact your agent or insurer right away

Let your insurer know you will be filing a claim because you have experienced a loss. Do not forget to give them contact information, especially if you cannot remain in your house. Your insurer should move quickly to help you repair the damages rapidly. You will be assigned an insurance claims adjuster who your insurer employs to follow up with you on everything required of you to file your claim and provide you with any forms you need to complete.

Itemizing your property

If possible, it is best to have this prepared in advance. You should create a comprehensive, detailed inventory of every item in your business or home. It is easiest to go room to room and list every item inside with descriptions, model and serial numbers, and the date you purchased them. Including everything, even plants, cupboard and drawer contents, and pictures, is essential. Save receipts for items you buy with lasting value and store them in a dry, safe place, secure from the threat of flooding. Keeping this information safe will benefit you in the event of claim filing. It will also help you determine the best policy coverages for your property. It is crucial to do this before a catastrophe because property owners often lose most or all of their possessions to the floodwaters. Having the list prepared beforehand will ensure that you do not forget anything when filing your claim.

Assessing your damages

Once it is safe to return to your property, you should begin the clean-up process. Go to each room and separate damaged items from undamaged ones. Create a detailed list of everything that has been lost or damaged. Do not dispose of anything until the insurance adjuster arrives and documents the losses and damages with videos and pictures.

Working with an insurance adjuster

Insurance companies hire adjusters to help policyholders who have experienced losses receive the benefits due to them based on policy limitations. Work closely with the adjuster; their job is to help you and document your claim. They will inspect your list of itemized losses and work with you to determine the value of your damaged and lost property. They will also provide a damage estimate to your insurer for review.

Damage estimation

Insurance adjusters can estimate minor building losses and settle the claim quickly in most situations. When they visit your property to assess the damage, it is essential to be there to walk through your damage with them. You and the insurance adjuster must agree on the scope of damage or what needs to be replaced and repaired. Before they depart, it is critical to know what needs to be done next and why. If you are uncertain, ask the adjuster to provide you with written instructions to ensure you are following the process closely.

Follow these tips for starting your flood insurance claim. Then, contact us today for a free consultation if you need assistance with property claims in Orlando, FL. Our public insurance claims adjusters are here to make the process easier.

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