5 Tips for Preventing Thefts and Break-Ins at Home

5 Tips for Preventing Thefts and Break-Ins at Home

Moving to a new home can be thrilling, but there are risks to consider. Feeling safe in your home and protecting your family is a top priority, and even though burglary is becoming less common, it still happens across the nation. To help keep your home safe and secure, our experts on property claims in Central Florida offer the following tips for preventing break-ins and theft:

Secure windows and doors

The most accessible defense against intruders and burglars is locking your windows and doors. Most burglars are on the lookout for easy targets, and unlocked windows and doors give them precisely what they are looking for. Therefore, it is good to keep them locked even when you are at home. Always double-check first-floor windows and doors to make sure they are locked before leaving your house. You can also install window and door sensors to alert you when windows and doors are left open or install smart locks that lock automatically at set times.

Upgrade your locks

If you do not have high-quality locks, keeping doors and windows locked may not be sufficient. Make sure all your outside doors are equipped with deadbolts to make it harder for intruders to break in. You should also inspect your hinges and door frames to ensure they are strong enough to withstand a break-in attempt. Older hinges and doors can increase your risk significantly. In addition, you can install smart locks to allow you to lock your doors remotely.

Purchase a security system

Home security systems can prevent an intruder from getting into your home and alert you when they try. Studies show that homes lacking security systems are three times as likely to be broken into. In addition, a thief will often move on if they notice a security camera or sign indicating that you own a security system. Home security cameras can offer an extra layer of protection from break-ins and theft. They can alert you if there is movement on your front porch or in your yard, and window and door sensors will tell you if someone has entered or is trying to enter your residence. Some even call the police for you, depending on your security company.

Hide your valuables

Many thieves scope out their targets before robbing them, ensuring that they do not break into houses for no reason. This makes it essential to keep valuables out of plain sight to intruders. For example, keep expensive items away from open windows, keep garage doors closed, and avoid leaving expensive bikes or tools in plain sight. You can also consider window treatment installation like blinds or curtains to keep prying eyes from looking into your home.

Add outdoor lighting

Thieves do not want to feel like the star of the show when they are breaking into your house, and outdoor lighting can spotlight their criminal activities. However, outdoor lights may be all you need to scare away an intruder. Consider motion detection lighting that illuminates your property when it detects movement to save on utility bills and potentially scare off intruders.

Use these tips to prevent thefts and break-ins at home. But, if you are the victim of a break-in or theft and need assistance with the claims filing process, our public adjusters are here to help with your property claims in Central Florida. Call us today for a free consultation.

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