Four Secrets Your Insurance Carrier Does Not Want You to Know

Four Secrets Your Insurance Carrier Does Not Want You to Know

The average policyholder has no experience filing property claims in Orlando, FL. This fact can readily be taken advantage of by your insurer. Insurance companies often try to slide things by a naïve homeowner. Our public claims adjuster reveals these secrets your insurance carrier does not want you to know.

Insurers spend millions of dollars annually on politicians and lobbyists

No one appreciates getting sued, even your insurance company. This is why they pay millions of dollars to lobbyists and politicians. They strive to restrict policyholders' privilege to sue insurers who work in bad faith. Some states retain laws thwarting policyholders from suing their insurance carriers. So, even if your insurer operates in bad faith, you have a limited course of action for obtaining the compensation your situation merits. Insurers in these states are quite aware of their benefit and are not frightened to use them against you.

Your insurance carrier does not want your claim to go to court

Like any skilled negotiator, your insurer will act like they are willing to go to court. They may act alright with allowing the case to go to court if you have a dispute. In truth, your insurer does not desire your claim to go in front of the courts. It is always in their best interest to settle with you outside of a courtroom. Never be tricked into believing your insurer is pleased to go to court. It is only a negotiation tactic, much like other strategies they use.

Independent adjusters don't operate in your best interest

Three distinct types of adjusters might handle your property claim.

Public Adjusters: A public claims adjuster operates for a policyholder portraying their best interests.

Company Adjusters: A company adjuster is an insurance carrier employee designated to manage loss claims.

Independent Adjusters: An independent adjuster is hired by your insurer for various situations, like when there is a dispute. Your insurance carrier pays independent adjusters per claim, so they aren't full-time workers.

When talking to your insurance company, they may describe the independent claims adjuster as "your friend" or "being on your side." In truth, an independent adjuster is a contractor compensated by your insurer. Their job is to protect the best interest of your insurance company. So don't be tricked into thinking an independent adjuster has your back.

Insurance companies don't want you to hire representation

This one is probably pretty obvious, but the last thing your insurance company wants is for you to hire an attorney or public claims adjuster. Public adjusters intercede with insurance companies on behalf of their clients, negotiating better settlements and pushing for higher dollar amounts. It is in your insurer's best interest to settle a claim as fast as possible while paying the minimum amount of capital mandated by law to settle a claim. Therefore, they don't want you to hire a lawyer or public claims adjuster because it often leads to them settling with you for much more than anticipated.

These are just some secrets your insurance company doesn't want you to know. So reach us now for assistance from a public claims adjuster for property claims in Orlando, FL. We want to help!

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