Struggling with the aftermath of a tornado, hurricane, or house fire is stressful enough without being forced to deal with a stubborn insurer that refuses to pay out your claim. Unfortunately, when it comes time to deal with insurance company issues, many people do not realize that there are professionals they can turn to for help. Unfortunately, the insurance adjusters assigned by your insurance company typically loo out for the best interest of their employer instead of delivering policyholders favorable results. Luckily, there is another way.
Hiring a public claims adjuster is an excellent option for anyone who is struggling with a claim or is unhappy with the settlement their insurance company is offering. However, when hiring an adjuster for property claims in Orlando, FL, it is essential to find an experienced, capable, and reliable professional to handle your specific insurance claim.
The first place to start in finding the best public adjuster is to ensure that the professional of interest is licensed to adjust in your state. Be sure to double-check before you hire someone, even though it seems like common sense. Plenty of scammers out there will accept the job without the proper credentials to secure the best settlement possible according to your policy limitations.
After double-checking your potential adjuster's licensing, ask them about their industry experience. Find out how long they have been in business, whether they have a history of positive results with claims similar to yours, and any additional credentials that make them best suited for handling your property loss claim.
Ask your potential claims adjuster to provide you with a few references for claims they have personally handled over the past couple of years. Because some claims adjusters move freely between firms, it is helpful to request referrals from clients they previously worked with. Always be sure that the person you are dealing with is actually the adjuster that will be managing your claim because many adjusters send sales reps in their place for the initial meeting. A personal touch is required for the most reliable results. The best adjuster will carve out time to personally meet with you and go over the specific details of your claim.
It is customary for public claims adjusters to charge from 5 to 15% of the final claim settlement amount. However, many states cap the percentage an adjuster can assess, and fees are always negotiable. Therefore, it is not usually good to work with an adjuster who charges a flat rate or expects payment regardless of whether you get an insurance settlement. It is also critical to be sure what the fee applies to. For example, if you have already gotten a settlement offer, will the adjuster expect payment on the total settlement amount or just the additional money they can negotiate on your behalf? In addition, many adjusters do not take fees out of specific claim categories, like living expenses and other miscellaneous benefits.