How Ultra Property Damage Can Maximize Your Insurance Settlement

How Ultra Property Damage Can Maximize Your Insurance Settlement

Are you struggling to accept that your home or business has been destroyed by an unforeseen circumstance? Whether you have water damage from a flood or you have been devastated by strong winds of a hurricane, your insurance plan will cover the costs of damage restoration and repairs. However, the insurance claims process may be over your head. When you feel overwhelmed, trust the help of a public claims adjuster in central Florida to help you through this process. There are a few great reasons why the team at Ultra Property Damage is the team to trust to maximize your insurance settlement.

Our Team Performs A Thorough Inspection

Our team of trusted and experienced adjusters will come to your building to assess the damages.  Typically, our public adjusters have more training and experience than the adjusters that will be sent out by your insurance company, which means that we will provide you with a more realistic and true estimate of the damages. This number will be important when it comes to negotiating a settlement that you actually need to cover damages.

Let Us Handle the Paperwork

Dealing with documentation and photo evidence can be a nightmare when you have just suffered a traumatic experience.  Instead of dealing with all of this, our team will take care of this for you. Not only will we take care of the paperwork, but we will also take all the necessary photos and collect as much evidence as possible to present our case to your insurance company.  Our adjusters also stay informed about any important deadlines to ensure the process is moving along at the appropriate rate and that nothing jeopardizes your settlement.

Negotiation is Our Strong Suit

Often times, insurance companies come back with a lower settlement offer than many people need to cover damages. Many home and business owners may not know this, and this can lead to accepting an offer because they are afraid of negotiation.  Our insurance adjusters take the stress out of this process by presenting the claim for you.  Avoid this pitfall by surrounding yourself with educated professionals that are also pros at negotiating the deal that you truly deserve. When you partner with us, you will also be informed each step of the way.

Communication is Key

The communication during an insurance claims process can take forever. There is often a lot of jargon that you may not understand, leading you to make uninformed decisions or miss important deadlines.  You need to stay updated and informed with all parties, like your insurance company, repair companies, contractors, adjusters, and anyone else that may be involved in your process.  To relay information back-and-forth, you need to always stay involved, and this can be grueling.  When you with with Ultra Property Damage, we have an entire team in place to take care of all these aspects of the adjusting process.

If you are ready to file an insurance claim to get the money you need to restore your home or business after damages, contact our professional public claims adjuster in central Florida to get started today.

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