Our Public Adjusters and Water Damage Insurance Claims

Our Public Adjusters and Water Damage Insurance Claims

Property damage comes in all shapes and sizes. Our public insurance claims adjusters in Central Florida have decades of combined experience handling all types of loss claims exclusively on behalf of the insured and not for the insurance companies!

Water damage can occur during rainfall or snow, a plumbing accident, or even a mishap in the workplace. In some instances, like a ruptured water line or an unexpected overflow from an appliance, insurance may cover the harm caused by water. But, typically, damage caused by flooding is not covered unless you've bought additional flood insurance, as it is normally considered groundwater seepage.

Due to the complexity of claims resulting from harm caused by water, policyholders need us to work on their behalf to defend them during the insurance claim process. For example, in a water damage loss, we take action fast to review our client's existing insurance policy and assess it against the reason for the damage to decide if the damage should be protected by the policy.

Our public adjusters then perform a thorough physical inspection of the property, frequently side by side with the insurance adjuster, to try to agree on the extent of the loss.

Following that step, our skilled and experienced building estimators and content appraisers record, in the slightest of detail, using industry-prescribed software, the impairments to the structure and individual or business personal property to help reach the best possible compensation for each of our customers.

We have managed all types from fire to water, including numerous where highly sophisticated manufacturing gear to more straightforward office furniture inventory is required. We helped these companies determine the scope of the damage and, in many circumstances, helped establish the need for the complete replacement of these vital components of a company.

Our team will speak directly to your insurance adjuster on your behalf, taking the total burden of managing the claim off your plate. That will allow you to focus 100% of your endeavors on keeping your customers and getting your company up and running quickly.

Every enterprise carries with it its own language and vocabulary. Unfortunately, without professional guidance from us, you may even have a hard time comprehending the terminology when your insurance company refuses to repair or replace an item.

If practical in a commercial setting, our forensic accountants can step in and compute lost business revenue due to the impairment to your business. Because recovery of physical damage independently will not allow your business to move ahead. Imagine obtaining no payments for an extended period. Could you stay in business? With our help, recouping lost company income might be the distinction between surviving in business or failing.

Our public insurance claims adjuster in Central Florida constantly works exclusively for the policyholder, not the insurance company. Therefore, we assume the primary charges of carrying the burden of managing your insurance claim while maximizing your settlement to allow you to get your company back up and running as fast as possible.

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