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The Difference Between Hiring An Attorney And a Public Adjuster For An Insurance Claim

The Difference Between Hiring An Attorney And a Public Adjuster For An Insurance Claim

  When faced with an insurance claim, the first thing that comes to mind is usually hiring an attorney. However, did you know that there's an alternative to hiring an attorney that may be more suitable for your situation? Enter, the public adjuster. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the differences between hiring an attorney and hiring a public adjuster for an insurance claim.   Area of Expertise When it comes to legal iss...

Understanding Overhead & Profit (O&P) in a Property Insurance Claim

Understanding Overhead & Profit (O&P) in a Property Insurance Claim

Going through the process of making a property insurance claim can be daunting, especially if you're not familiar with the jargon used. One often-used term is Overhead & Profit (O&P). It's essential to understand its significance because it can ultimately impact your claim settlement. In this post, we'll explain what overhead and profit mean in a property insurance claim and why it's essential to have a public claims adjuster in Orlando by your side in these si...

Things Your Insurance Company Doesn’t Want You to Know

Things Your Insurance Company Doesn’t Want You to Know

  Insurance is supposed to be a safety net for you and your family during tough times, but unfortunately, insurance companies don't always act in your best interest. In fact, there are some things that your insurance company doesn't want you to know. These secrets may not only impact the amount of money you receive in a claim, but it may also affect your premium and overall satisfaction with the company itself.   The insurance adjusters are not...

Understanding Recoverable Depreciation on an Insurance Claim

Understanding Recoverable Depreciation on an Insurance Claim

  If you’ve ever had to file an insurance claim for property damage, then you understand how stressful and confusing it can be. There are many terms and concepts that are not familiar to most people, and one of these is recoverable depreciation. In this blog post, we’ll define recoverable depreciation, explain why it’s important, and walk you through the process of recovering it from your insurance company. If you’re in central Florida and need help with...

Home Insurance Claim: Can I Complete Repairs Myself?

Home Insurance Claim: Can I Complete Repairs Myself?

  Dealing with a home insurance claim can be overwhelming, especially if you are not sure about the technicalities involved. One question that many homeowners have is whether they can complete home repairs themselves after filing an insurance claim. The answer to this question is not straightforward, and it depends on several factors. In this blog post, we will explore what you need to know about completing home repairs after a home insurance claim.   T...

What You Need to Know About Insurance Company Unfair Claims Settlement Practices

What You Need to Know About Insurance Company Unfair Claims Settlement Practices

  Insurance companies are supposed to have your back when you experience property damage, but some of them don't always play fair. Sometimes, they may use unfair claims settlement practices to avoid paying out what you deserve after experiencing a loss. These tactics can leave you feeling frustrated and helpless. However, knowing what to look out for can help you avoid being taken advantage of and potentially even take legal action against your insurance company. In this bl...

Tips for Better Settlements When Resolving Insurance Claim Disputes

Tips for Better Settlements When Resolving Insurance Claim Disputes

Insurance claims are an inevitable part of life, and it is the responsibility of your insurance provider to help you when the unexpected occurs. If you have ever experienced property damage or loss and proceeded to file a claim to your insurance company, you probably know how stressful the process can be, especially when disputes arise. Filing for a claim can be daunting, and dealing with claim disputes can be a frustrating and time-consuming journey. However, the good news is that th...

Understanding the Insurance Claim Process

Understanding the Insurance Claim Process

As a homeowner, dealing with property damage can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. From water damage caused by burst pipes to fire damage, disasters can occur at any time and without warning. In such situations, filing an insurance claim is crucial to cover the costs of repairs and restoration. However, navigating the insurance claim process can be complex and confusing. It’s easy to get lost in the jargon and procedures, let alone trying to negotiate with in...

Insurance Policyholder Duties After a Loss

Insurance Policyholder Duties After a Loss

  Insurance policies are a safety net that helps you protect your valuable assets in the event of an unexpected loss. However, there are several post-loss duties that you, as a policyholder, must fulfill to ensure a smooth claims process. Making a claim can be a daunting experience, and not adhering to your duties as a policyholder can lead to delays, complications, or even a denied claim. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at your policyholder duties after a loss....

Tips For Negotiating The Best Settlement With Any Insurance Company

Tips For Negotiating The Best Settlement With Any Insurance Company

  When an accident or natural disaster happens, filing an insurance claim can be a daunting task. After all, you want to get the best settlement possible to cover the cost of damages. Negotiating with an insurance company can be challenging, so you need to come prepared. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with tips for negotiating the best settlement with any insurance company.   Understand Your Policy Your insurance policy is essent...

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